Monday, May 17, 2010

P90X Chest and Back

Diamond Pushups - I haven't done these in a while...they're hard.

We're in a mix-n-match time period right now.  We're not using a formal schedule for our morning workouts because we've both got races coming up in the next few weeks.  We want to focus on our races and not on getting sore with Tony.  We're going to start a new round right after Mrs. Gias runs Hospital Hill the first weekend in June, but for now we're kind of playing it by ear.

That being said, Mrs. Gias wanted a good upper body workout today, so she chose Chest and Back.  Oooh, it's an oldie but a goodie.  Basically pushups and pullups with a few weighted exercises thrown in for good measure.  I went about 85% today because normally this workout makes me pretty sore and I don't want to strain myself much because of my race this week.

That or I'm just a slacker.

1 comment:

x said...

slacker? heh