Saturday, May 8, 2010

60 Minute Bike Ride & Epic Transition Fail

I got back from my swim about 5:45am and got my biking clothes on to try to get a quick early morning ride in before the rest of my family woke up.  I hopped on my bike and started riding.  As an aside...what the hell is up with this weather?  During the week it's 75-80 degrees, sunny, no wind, Saturday or Sunday come along and it's 45 degrees, cloudy and windy.  I'm getting tired of riding in this crap.  OK, rant over...

So the ride was pretty uneventful, until the very end. 

I'm about a week out from my first race, so I decided when I was coming in from my ride to practice doing a transitioin from the bike to the run.  In my head, I saw myself rolling into the transition area on one foot, hopping gracefully from my bike, leaning it against the rack, ripping off my helmet and beginning my run. 

This is not what happend.  At.  All.

So I rolled into my driveway and unclipped my right foot from the pedal and swung my leg over the seat so that all of my weight was on my left foot while coasting at about 5-7 miles per hour.  It was at this point that I would hop off and gracefully jog with my bike to slow it down and start running.  Of course the critical mistake here...I did not unclip my left foot.  When I tried to hop off, my left foot stayed on the pedal and the bike wanted to keep going.  This resulted in me falling sideways/backwards right on my left butt cheek with the bike on top of me.  Ouch! 

Luckily, my left foot popped out and I didn't hurt my ankle.  Unluckily, I feel like I need one of those inflatable donuts to sit on because it feels like I have a golf ball in my back pocket when I sit down. 

The only saving grace about this whole incident is that it happened on my driveway, rather than at a race.  It was about 7:45am so none of my neighbors were oustide to witness my ridiculous fall.  Also, it's good that it wasn't next week at the race where there are spectators and cameras all over the place.  I would hate to immortalize my first race with a picture of an injury to my...well, you understand.

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