Sunday, May 2, 2010

Round 4: Day 85 - Insanity Core Cardio and Balance

We're into the home stretch on this 90 day round and we just started our last recovery week.  Core Cardio and Balance is a good recovery week workout because it's not too challenging, but it gets a bit of sweat going to let you know you're working out.  However, at the end, it kind of kicks you in the butt with a bunch of burnout moves, first on your hip-flexors and then in your shoulders.  It's a bit uncomfortable and I really can't figure out what good it's doing me fitness-wise, but we do the moves anyway.

During the shoulder burnout Mrs. Gias's arms and mine got a little bit close.  It should be known that Mrs. Gias does not like...let me restate...hates...being touched, even brushed lightly, while working out.  Well, I have long arms and apparently they got a bit close to Mrs. Gias.  It was early so her english wasn't quite top notch, but she said pretty clearly,

"I don't even want that near me not even a little bit at all."

Well, at least that was clear.

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