Friday, April 9, 2010

Round 4: Day 69 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Unfortunately I was in this position far too much during the workout today.

Mrs. Gias and I did a little Insanity this morning to get the blood pumping.  There's a section of this workout which has you in a plank position (think pushup position) doing pushups, jumping your legs in close to your chest, etc.  I was having a particularly difficult time with this section today; I just could not hold the position, my arms were too tired.  I usually don't have any problems with this section, but for some reason today I had a lot of trouble.

Geek: Man, my arms are toast today.
Mrs. Gias: Yeah, you were really struggling.
Geek: I don't know if I was struggling...
Mrs. Gias: Yeah, you were weak.
Geek: Well...I mean...I took more breaks than usual...
Mrs. Gias: Yeah, you didn't do like half the moves.
Geek: I did more than half...
Mrs. Gias: You mean today?
Geek: Uh...I don't know...I think so...
Mrs. Gias: I just call it like I see it.
Geek: Uh, thanks for the support?

1 comment:

Mrs. GIAS said...

There he goes again with the poetic license...

I'm really not that much of a b*tch. I wasn't judging you for not keeping up with me or anything. Just pace yourself and go at your own pace. If you struggle too much with the "in and outs," then just do child's pose. Seriously, no negative self-talk.