Monday, April 19, 2010

Round 4: Day 72 Redux (Evening Workout) - Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit

As I explained in my last post, we moved our workouts back a little.  I didn't want to miss a day so we doubled up today with 30:15 this morning and Plyometric Cardio Circuit this evening. 

Mrs. Gias went to her Monday night bowling league so I put the girls to bed and then went to the basement for a little Insanity by myself.  I am still fairly sore from yesterday, but after warming up I was ready to go.

I got through the workout without too much trouble except for part of the last circuit which are called "Level 1 Drills" which is basically like a set of burpee pushups (on your feet, drop down to plank, 4 pushups, pedal the feet, back up, repeat) followed by jumps while in plank position.  My arms were pretty worn out from 30:15 this morning and this part of the workout sucked big time.

But now I'm back on scheudle and it feels good. 

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