Tuesday, March 2, 2010

35 Minute Swim and 70 Minute Bike

35 Minute Swim
Stroke Drills, 100 intervals

70 Minute Bike
60 Minute Actual
21.25 miles

Short post tonight because I'm tired!

I got to the gym today for my short swim and short bike for the week and went in without a great "plan" as to what I wanted to swim.  This is NOT the best way to go into a workout, I should have had a plan so I could benchmark what I was doing.  Instead I ended up doing stroke drills and 100 yd repeats.  It was a good workout, just not enough planning to make it a great workout.

I finished the swim and jumped on a spin bike (still under 40 degrees today, no outside ride yet!) and actually had a GREAT bike session. I went for 60 minutes and my cadence was in the 100s for the entire hour.  I pushed hard and got through it a sweaty, dripping mess.

Ugh, I'm so tired I can't even think of anything pithy to say.

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