Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Round 4: Day 31 - P90X Back and Biceps/ARX

Well hello old friend.  I haven't done this workout in about a month.  Let me tell you, even though I knew what was coming, my body did not.  The whole routine is based on doing two back exercises followed by two bicep exercises.  You basically blast one body part then switch to the other so the first one can recover.  It's a routine of basically pullups and curls and it felt great.  Nothing too exciting from this morning other than Mrs. Gias and I were both shaking when we finished the last set of curls.  We both kind of looked at each other increadulously and said, "That was tough."  Enough said.

1 comment:

Mrs. GIAS said...

Running list of sore body parts: shoulders, neck, calves, knees, butt, forearm, upper/lower back, biceps...

Yay for Yoga Wednesdays...