Wednesday, March 17, 2010

38 Minute Swim

I bugged out of work a little early today to get a few afternoon workouts in.  I hit the pool first and tried to get in a good swim.  However, I had a hard time today because of my stupid neck.  If you remember, I tweaked my neck this morning during a set of pullups.  It is excruciating to turn my head to the left.  Normally I bi-lateral breathe when I swim (one breath on the left, take two strokes and on the third, breathe to the right) however, when I do distance work, I tend to breathe on every two strokes, so I favor one side.  I'll give you two guesses which side I favor when I breathe...yeah, it's my left side.  Basically, that means that I wasn't terribly comfortable in the water today.  However, a nice byproduct of having a strained neck was that it kept my head down and forced me to focus on my rotation and breathing on the right side.  All in all, a good workout, even if it did look a little gimpy.

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