Monday, March 8, 2010

Round 4: Day 37 - Recovery for Results

What are we doing today Notebook 'O Workout DVDs?

Today we were scheduled for Insanity Cardio Power and Resistance.  However, after waking up this morning and hobbling down the stairs on my throbbing left knee, I decided to call an audible and switch up the workout today.  I pulled out our Notebook 'O Workout DVDs (pictured above - exotic, don't you think?) and decided to give Recovery for Results a try.  It's a 35 minute One on One workout with Tony doing low impact cardio, resistance and stretching.  It's just enough to get your blood pumping without really putting a strain on any of your muscles.  It wasn't half bad, considering I'm sure that the warmup of the Insanity workout previously scheduled for today would have literally collapsed my knee.  That would have been bad.

Through a rigorous 4 minute Google search, I self diagnosed my knee problem as Runner's Knee (maybe?).  I find this odd and disheartening at the same time.  Odd because I consider myself the opposite of a "runner".  Diseartening because I was really starting to enjoy running outside.  Yesterday I did 7 miles and thought I could probably keep going further, that's a great feeling.  Of course my knee was hurting during the run, so it probably wasn't advisable to do the 7 miles I ended up going. (Yes, I know it may sound like a lot for a "non-runner", but I've been using the 10% rule so this is the mileage I should be doing this week - it's a little different only because I have started running outside rather than on a treadmill.)  Anyway...

It looks like staying low impact on the knee for a week or two and backing off a bit on the running mileage coupled with anti-inflamatory medication will likely get me back into tip top shape (hopefully).  However, I'm pretty deep into this training schedule so if it hurts this much tomorrow I'm going to the doctor - no waiting around this time, I've got racing to do.

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