Sunday, March 28, 2010

Weekly Challenge: Week 9 - Variety

OK.  This may be the weekly challenge I'm most excited about.

Here's the deal.  We've been going at this for eight or nine weeks now and have been doing some form of P90X for a significantly longer time (about 9 months for Mrs. Gias and over a year for me).  Although one of the best parts of P90X is the fact that it has plenty of variety, it can still get you into a rut every once in a while.  This week, we try to shake that up.

One day this week each of us gets to choose something totally different to count for our P90X workout.  It can be a new workout in the morning for the two of us to do.  It can be a class at a health club.  It can be something we've been meaning to try (maybe some turbulence training or kettle bell work).  It can be an outside workout or a session with a personal trainer.  It's just got to be something that we don't normally do.  If it's outside your comfort zone, all the better.

I think I might try a class out at my gym, we'll see what they've got.

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