Sunday, March 7, 2010

Weekly Challenge: Week 6 - Write a Letter to Yourself

Creepy, no?

At the end of this week we'll be about half way through our round.  It's important to think about the goals we set at the beginning and the weekly challenges that we've had so far.  Are we on our way to achieving our goals?  Have we stuck to the nutritional plan the way that we know we have to in order to get dramatic results?  What has been really good about this round?  What has been really bad about this round?  How can we make the second half of the round better than the first?

These are all important questions we should ask ourselves to make sure we're on track.  Perhaps Mrs. Gias's letter will be short and just say, "you're awesome."  I know my letter will have some important points about intensity and nutrition.  I know I can do better and my letter will tell me as much.

Why write a letter?  Quite simply, it's a specific way to chekck up on yourself and (at least I think) it is much harder to lie to yourself that everything is going the way you want it to if you write it down.  You are your own worst critic, if you take it seriously and write an honest letter to yourself you're going to identify things you can do better.

I'll be working on my letter and post it later this week.

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