Monday, March 15, 2010

Round 4: Day 44 - Diamond Delts

Because of my race yesterday, Mrs. Gias and I didn't work out at our regular 5am time so that I would be fresh for my race.  Accordingly, we shifted our workouts one day late this week so we did Diamond Delts today.  I have to say, the run yesterday didn't do any favors for my knee; it was feeling better and today, after the short run in the race yesterday, hurts like hell again. 

The workout today was fairly uneventful.  My shoulders feel stronger and I was able to press more weight than ever before today, which was cool.  I think it has to do with me actually getting stronger as well as the fact that I've had three days off of weights and my body had some time to recover.  Crazy about rest, huh?

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