Wednesday, January 20, 2010

28 Min Bike (Home Stationary)

28 Min Bike (Home Stationary) - 7:15pm
8.67 miles

Rode the Air Bike 950 for the first time today and let me tell you, it's ghetto fabulous.  I'm sorry I don't have a picture of it yet (it's pretty close to what is above, except with a bigger "fan" in the front and instead of the sexy fitness model, imagine a lumbering Geek) but it basically feels like you are straddling an industrial fan with pedals.  Not only do you feel sexy, but it is nearly the loudest piece of stationary fitness equipment I have ever come in contact with.  I "permanently borrowed" it from my sister who was storing it in my parents' basement as a way to get some indoor mileage in at's really just a bonus to create my very own wind tunnel in our basement.

Anyway, I amped up the resistance and tried to pedal through consistently for about 28 minutes to make up for my shorter bike routine on Tuesday. The Air Bike wasn't bad; it has decent resistance and gave me the workout I was looking for. It was nice to bike in front of the TV where I watched an episode of Grey's Anatomy on DVD (KU game wasn't on until 8pm, instead of 7pm like I thought).

The one weird thing (besides that image of me stradling an industrial fan that you'll never be able to get out of your head) is I'm not sure I trust the Air Bike's digital display. I think it's metric, which is fine, but I couldn't really tell for sure, I may have acutally been biking at 33 mph the whole time, although that doesn't sound quite right because at that speed I would have won the Tour de France. Converted, it's about 20.5mph, which may be slightly more accurate.

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