Saturday, January 23, 2010

97 Min Bike (Stationary)

97 Min Bike (Stationary) - 6:00am
32 miles
19.79 mph

After my swim I hit the locker room, threw on some shoes and hopped on the stationary bike.  (Yeah, it was warmer here this week, it topped out at a scorching 40 degress...not nearly warm enough for me to brave an outside ride just yet.)  I rode for 97 minutes and went 32 miles, a pretty decent little workout. My heart was clicking and I burned a bunch of calories.

I watched IronMan on my Zune, which passed the time nicely, although I feel like I need to put some more movies on there to keep my occupied, I think I've seen most of the ones on my Zune a few times now.  I wonder if someone knows a cheap and easy way to put movies on a portable device...

Anyway, Old Navy was there again, working hard. I think he used every piece of cardio equiment while I was on the bike and I think he did weights while I was swimming. You've got to respect that guy, probably because of his service, but also becuase he wears athletic socks with stripes.  I also saw Frizzy McBlonde Hair, although she was a little later than usual as she didn't come in until 6:15 or so. I also am going to go ahead and name a third regular, Brownie Von Crop Pants (yeah, brown hair and crop pants, it's early, what kind of creativity do you want from me?)  I've seen her a few times in the morning so I think she's ready for regular status.

At any rate, it was a good bike session, lots of sweat.  I also finally remembered my water bottle, which is also helpful.  I stopped once for a quick bathroom break about 30 minutes into the session. This isn't a big deal becuase the bikes only time you for 60 minutes before you have to reset them anyway so I would have had to stop and reset at some point no matter what. It did get me to thinking about what I do in the middle of a triathlon when I need to go to the bathroom...I mean when you're swimming it probably takes care of itself, but on a bike...ahh, but I digress.

Anyway, finished that ride and went home for some oatmeal, egg whites and a protein shake. I should note, I lost about 5lbs  from my workout this morning (yes, mostly water weight which I promptly gained back at breakfast) but I still need to be extra careful to make sure I get enough fluids and calories...passing out would be almost as bad as peeing myself.

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