Tuesday, January 19, 2010

30 Min Bike (stationary)

30 Min Bike (stationary) - 6:30pm
58 Minutes Scheduled - need to make up 28 minutes
10.71 miles
21.4 mph

24 Hour Fitness was pretty busy, as it usualy is on weeknights after work, but I still found a stationary bike to ride.  I kept my cadence in the 90s for a good solid ride. I actually rode next to Sally for 20 min or so; she's a trainer at the gym who has completed multiple Ironmans and I've talked to about tri-training.  I felt good that it seemed that she was running a cadence at a similar pace that I was, hopefully my self proscribed training schedule won't be a total waste of time.

The one big bummer of the training session was that my Zune conked out of batteries so I had to opt for whatever was on the TV in front of the bikes.  I ended up listening to Colbert for most of my ride, which wasn't too bad. Nothing too eventful, but I did cut the bike short because I promised Mrs. GIAS I'd be home in time for a 7:30pm dinner and if I'd done the full 58 minutes, I would have missed it.  I'll have to try to make it up later this week.

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