Friday, January 22, 2010

P90X Kenpo X

Oh Kenpo X, how I consider thee a waste of time.  Yeah, it's part of P90X and everything works together blah blah blah. But after doing this workout so many times (38 times now, me thinks), it just doesn't seem as intense as other things I could be doing to burn calories.  And the fact that Wesley Idol is giggling like school girl in the background half-a$$ing it not in his proper horse stance just pisses me off a little bit.  (Yeah, that's a little inside venting for those of you who have given the X a Wesley in the back and you'll know what I mean.)

Anyway, this is the first Kenpo routine I used 5lbs weights in each hand for the duration of the workout. It helped to make my punches and arm movements significantly harder and got me a better burn in my arms and my heart rate was up more than usual (still not great, but better). It still wasn't the intense sweatfest I'd like it to be, although with as much as I'm working out right now, an easy routine once a week isn't bad. I would definitely use the weights again, although I think weighted gloves that are a tad lighter may help my form.

Plus, it takes a lot of concentration to grip a dumbell while doing Kenpo moves and not punch yourself in the face.

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