Tuesday, January 19, 2010

29 Min Swim

29 Min Swim - 5:45pm
1250 yds
43.1 yds/minute

It was a good swim today, I did 100 warm up, then 5x100, 20 sec rest between, 6x100 15 sec rest between, fliped turns at 25 and 75,  and took two breaths at the 50 turn. Stroke count was around 21 and I finished with a 50 cool down breast stroke.

I looked at some videos and tips on line before my swim to try to improve my form.  Technique in swimming makes all the difference in the world and I feel like my technique is terrible.  Today, I vowed to work on keeping my head down, arching my back and having my hand slice the water at my goggle line before reaching forward to increase my glide.  I still didn't get the glide that I would like but everyonce in a while I felt like I was using better form. 

It's a slow process, but hopefully I can keep improving and not embarass myself...or drown.  Really either of those would be a bummer.

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