Tuesday, January 19, 2010

P90X Back and Biceps ARX

That problem with the lower quadrant of my back on the left side is still killing me.  Luckily, as before, front to back movement wasn't bad once I tensed the muscle, but the first rep on everything was murder. However, oddly enough, once I got a rep done, I could finish out the set and even went a bit heavier than I have before on a lot of exercises.

I also, oddly enough, felt like my pullup form was better today than it has been, possibly because I was trying to pull straight without any body english which would torque my back. Yeah, my back hurt, but I think it made me focus on a few form issues that may have been a minor blessing in disguise. 

As per usual in this workout, by the end, my biceps were on fire! The back-double bicep pattern really gets your arms a workout. 

ARX was good today, a few of the exercises with body twist hurt and I couldn't do any oblique v-ups on my left side, it hurt way too much. I did get a solid 50 mason twists in and those felt as good as they ever have.

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