Monday, January 18, 2010

P90X Ploymetrics

MHR 211
AHR 151

Wow, what a good sweat that was.  I had a great Plyo session today.  No matter how many times I do that workout, it's always a challege.  I went "Johnny Extreme" and Tony says today and kept a faster pace than the trainers in the video.  It must have been a bit warmer in the basement than usual because I got a great sweat going during the workout.  Mrs. GIAS loves the winter workouts because when it's warmer outside (and thus, warmer inside) I sweat like a maniac during some of our workouts.  To the point of her slipping on the floor from the "moisture".  She hasn't had to deal with that in a while but unfortunately today I had to towel off the tile a few times for her.

The other item of note, my heart rate maxed at 211 today, which is the highest I've ever recorded.  I suppose this could be a fluke, although my monitor is pretty accurate.  To give some perspective, my maximum heart rate doing the simple equation is 220 minus my age (31) equalling 189.  That means 189 should be as high as my heart goes.  I have occassionally pushed it into the 190's and topped off at 204 or 205 once or twice.  I figure, I'm a fit guy, the regular equation probably doesn't apply all the way.  But 211 seems...dangerous. 

I need to keep an eye on that or else sweat won't be the only thing Mrs. GIAS is cleaning up off the basement floor.

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