Thursday, February 18, 2010

70 Min Bike (Stationary)

70 Min Bike - 5:10pm
Cadence mid 90s


That's what describes my bike ride today.  I finished my swim and went to change my clothes and realized I forgot my Zune, which means I was on a spin bike for 70 minutes with just background noise and my own thoughts.  People watching was lame, there are so many people at the gym in the evenings it's hard to focus on any one thing so it's like overload on your brain to see anything interesting.

The other thing that was a bit upsetting was the bike I was on had a computer that seemed to be off.  I started riding and after five minutes it said I had gone three miles, which is like 40 mph, pretty sure that wasn't accurate.  I stopped the computer and reset and then it started going low because I had a higher cadence than usual (mid 90s) and the computer seemed to think I only went 18 miles in my 70 minutes.  I think it should have been more like 23 and change.  Whatever, the riding was fine, I was bored.

The only saving grace is that today it was approaching 50 degrees outside and I almost rode outside except that I need to do a bit of work on my bike before a ride.  If it's nice this weekend, I'm definitely getting outisde. 

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