Thursday, February 18, 2010

New Diet Book Helps you Lose Those Pesky Pounds

I've been actively engaged in my fitness for just over one year and I've had some pretty decent results.  However, as everyone knows, weight loss and fitness are ongoing struggles and I still have a ways to go and still need to work to lose those last few pounds.  Lucky for me (and you) I learned about a new book coming out by Paul Mason.  It takes you through his Journey (also the title of the book) of weight loss and offers tips and secrets to losing a few of those pesky pounds.  When I say "a few", I meant to say "279 pounds". 

Yeah, he lost 279 pounds

Amazingly enough, he is STILL the heaviest man on the planet at a staggering 698 pounds.  I don't know about you, but I'm not sure that taking diet tips from the heaviest guy on the planet is going to be all that beneficial. 

Plus, if I followed his advice and lost all 279 pounds, that would put me at about negative 110 pounds, which seems like kind of a dangerous weight for me.

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