Thursday, February 25, 2010

Round 4: Day 26 - Core Synergistics

I'm holding chatarunga iso for this picture.  Of course, Mrs. Gias thought it would be
hilarious to take her sweet time to take the picture so I just kept holding and holding...arghh!

Mrs. Gias was in a playful mood today.  I wish I had been recording our workout becuase she had some zingers that were 1) uncharacteristic of her this early in the morning, and 2) totally hilarious.  Of course, now I can't remember them specifically, just know, she was in rare form this morning. 

One thing I do remember is that I was put on "Shaker Suspension" for one week today.  A little background...during P90X workouts, one of Tony's favorite things to do in between sets is to "shake it out".  Which is exactly what you would think that it would be.  You shake your legs and arms, roll your neck around a bit, basically get the tension out of your muscles after a hard set.  Mrs. Gias has taken it upon herself (sarcastically, of course) to really put forth some "serious" effort into her the point of whole body flailing, shaking and jumping that looks like a spastic Wile E. Coyote getting shocked by one of his dasterdly Acme traps.  It's a thing of beauty, really. 

Anyway, Mrs. Gias began what was to be her chef d'oeuvre of shakers and I apparently wasn't watching closely enough.

Mrs. Gias: Did you see that?!
Geek: What? Uh, yeah, it was of your best yet...
Mrs. Gias: You weren't even watching, were you?
Geek: I was trying to loosen up, but I saw it, I mean, you're right there.
Mrs. Gias: Whatever, you're on Shaker Suspension for a week! You're grounded from shakers for one week.  No shakers for you.  Deal with it.*
Geek: What?
Mrs. Gias: You don't get to see one of my shakers 'till next Thursday...we'll see how that treats you.
Geek: Uh, OK.

Playful mood, indeed.

*UPDATE: Mrs. Gias corrected me in the comments with the "actual" quote from this morning.

1 comment:

Mrs. GIAS said...

I believe the quote was, "You're GROUNDED from shakers for one week. No shakers for you. Deal with it." That'll teach you to belittle the awesomeness that is a shaker.

Just remember:
Shakers=FUN FUN FUN! Workouts w/out Shakers=BORINGNESS.

I hope you learn your lesson.