Sunday, February 14, 2010

Round 4: Day 15 - 30:15 Upper Body Massacre

If anyone wants to get me a present, a taller doorway would be great.

Today we did 30:15 again.  I have to admit, I was feeling tired and my back was hurting pretty good.  I think it was from leaning on a spin bike for two hours yesterday.  Needless to say, pullups were difficult.  I didn't quite hit my usual numbers today, but I had better form than usual and still felt good about my intensity.  Pushups were not nearly as hard as the pullups, so I hit 30 on every set without incident. 

I was planning on doing my long run today (58 minutes) but I ended up spending the day with B & G and I was pretty tuckered out when I got home.  Mrs. GIAS is out tomorrow evening, so I'll try to hit the treadmill after I get the girls to bed tomorrow.

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