Monday, February 1, 2010

Round 4: Day 2 - Insanity Plyo Cardio Circuit

This was my first time doing an Insanity workout (Mrs. GIAS's too) and we were a little intimidated after what we had heard..."hardest workout on DVD"..."total sweatfest"..."pure cardio punishment"...etc.  Anyway, we decided that we wanted a little something different and this was as good as anything.  Overall, I have to say that the workout was GREAT.  I really liked it and it worked me to exhaustion.  The info we heard was no joke; this was a hard workout.   I think I liked the fact that it wasn't as high impact (at least I don't think so) on my body as P90X Plyometrics and I liked the fact that it was shorter, but more intense.  My HR was skyrocketing during parts of this workout and it felt great to get a nice sweat going.  That being said, I don't know if I would like this kind of workout everyday, but once or twice a week is going to be perfect. 

Oh yeah, that post yesterday about not hurting much after 30:15 - I retract my former statement.  During the warmup today I couldn't get my hands together at the top of a jumping jack because my chest was so sore.  This new rotation is going to be awesome.

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