Thursday, February 4, 2010

Round 4: Day 5 - One on One Plyo Legs

Thursdays in P90X is usually scheduled for us to do Legs and Back.  As I've been doing this for almost a year, 40 or 50 sessions of the same Legs and Back workout on Thursdays has gotten a bit old.  Keeping with working the legs on Thursdays however, led me to add this little beauty to the rotation.

Tony starts out with very little warm up and very little stretching, which is fine, and then gets into 20 moves that vary from squats to jumps to lunges.  I'd seen many of these moves before, although there were a few new ones thrown in as well.

Mrs. GIAS has been nice enough to humor me by doing whatever workout rotation I decide without complaint, so of course she was game for the workout today.  It was pretty funny though, about halfway through she commented, "You know, with wall squats and super skaters, this feels a lot like our regular leg routine."  A few minutes later she noted, "actually, with the 180 jump switches and squat jacks it feels a lot like a Plyometric routine.  Maybe they should call this Plyo Legs."

Yeah, honey, great idea.  Although I feel like I've heard that somewhere before...

1 comment:

Mrs. GIAS said...

Note to self: Think before you speek. It might just end up on the Geek's blog.